New project in Argentina

We are proud to announce you a new TAPAS project in Argentina.
New International TAPAS Project:

Cotolengo de Don Orione, Claypole (Argentina)

Don Luis Orione was a priest who dedicated his life to serving the poorest and most humble. This conviction led him to found the Little Work of Divine Providence (1903). In 1935 he founded “El Pequeño Cotolengo de Don Orione” in Claypole (Argentina).
Their Mission today is: According to the current problems, they spend part of their life to children and adolescents, especially those who are disadvantaged, marginalized, and in extreme poverty.- Work with people who fail to meet their basic needs and are victims of hunger, poor health and education, lack of family and affection, the inability to project towards a decent future.
How do they work the Cotolengo? Home to people with multiple disabilities, physical and mental, its therapeutic and educational setting is complex and must be made through interdisciplinary teams (Nurses, Psychiatrist, 3 Physiotherapists, 3 Occupational Therapists, 1 Speech therapist, 3 Physical Education teachers, 2 Psychologists and Special education teaches), where the task of each (religious, professional, assistants, volunteers) put together for a better assisted service and, where possible, their family, when it exists.
Basically, the tasks for the disabled (more than 400 residents!!), are to assist and care for, rehabilitate, educate and promote, whenever necessary in a family atmosphere.

There is lot to do to improve the quality of life for all people living in the Cotolengo … they are waiting for you!

More information:
Contact: jovellar -at- and pjovellar -at- and luc.vercruysse -at-