TAPAS was very active in 2024: Annual report of our activities




Annual Report TAPAS asociacin 2024


Zambia : Caleb center for children with Autism – Kabwe

Bolivia: Communidad Educativa – Tiquipaya

Nicaragua: Escuela Cristal – Esteli

Nicaragua: Iniciativo Colibri Esteli


Fedasil Klein Kasteeltje – Brussels (Asylum seekers)

Fedasil – Moeskroen (Asylum seekers)

Fedasil – Machelen (Asylum seekers)

Doucheflux – Anderlecht (Homeless people)

Students in TAPAS projects + supervision during academic year 2024-2025

( Reninka and Luc)

Bolivia                                                1


Fedasil Machelen                   5          ( 1 student from Erasme Bruxelles)

Doucheflux Anderlecht          1          (canceled because of medical reason)


Until now TAPAS was already sending and supervising 298 students in total in our projects


Research – Interviews


      • Patricia Jovellar: “Intervencion intensive basada en actividades somatosensoriales y su repercusion sobre la funcionalidad de la extremidad superior y la mano en ninos con paralisis cerebral unilateral”. Phd research San Jorge university Zaragoza Spain. (Patricia 2 february 2024)
      • Cristina de Diego: “Estilo de vida de las personas supervivientes de un ictus : actividad fisica y ocupacion de la vida cotidiana «. Phd research project San Jorge university Zaragoza Spain. (Cristina 10/12/2024)
      • Agnieszka Ptak: In 2024, in cooperation with the Falkiewicz Specialist Hospital in Wrocław, the Children’s Specialists Foundation and the Polish Olympians Academy of Physical Education in Wrocław and under the auspices of the Therapy For All People in All Situations -TAPAS Association, studies were conducted to assess the well-being of parents of children born with multi-organ immaturity, developmental or genetic defects. These studies were conducted as a project accompanying the Health Policy Program called “Od-Żyj”.The project aims to assess the actual needs in the field of perinatal difficulties related to the difficulties diagnosed in babies. To provide parents with reliable knowledge in the studied area and to assess the degree of need for psychological support for parents in the first weeks together. The results of the first part of the research are being developed. We plan to continue the research in the coming years. (Agnieszka Ptak, Wroclaw Poland)


See Bachelor proof supervision.(Luc)

      • Michelle Vanderveeren: “Actief op achttien: Activerings tool voor jonge verzoekers tot internationale bescherming.” : ( Active at 18: Tool to activate young asyllum seekers) Awarded best bachelor proof Odisee by Ergotherapie Vlaanderen.
      • Nina Daemen: “ The role of an Occupational Therapist within the “Housing First model” for homeless people” Literature study (2024-2025)
      • Tibo Laenen:” Which Occupational therapy interventions can be used for children between 0 and 2.5 yrs old, who grow up in an asylum center , to stimulate school readiness.” Literature study (2024-2025)

Bachelor proof supervison and promotorship during academic year 2024-2025: (Luc)

BAP at Odisee Hogeschool Brussels Belgium:

      • Michelle Vanderveeren: “Actief op achttien: Activerings tool voor jonge verzoekers tot internationale bescherming.” : ( Active at 18: Tool to activate young asylum seekers) Bekroond door Ergotherapie Vlaanderen tot beste BAP Odisee 2024


      • Jury Bachelor-Proof Presentations (Luc)
        • 11-01-24 Odisee Brussels
        • 13-06-24 Odisee Brussels
        • 18-06-24 Howest Kortrijk
        • 05-09-24 Odisee Brussels

International meetings:

      • Zambia Kabwe and Lusaka: 01-04-24 till 10-04-24 (Luc, Wim, Sarah)
        • Meeting at Caleb Center Kabwe (Mrs. Nellie Tembo)
        • Hope of Glory school Kabwe (Mrs. Mary Mulenga)
        • Nkrumah university Kabwe (Mrs. Moono Muvombo)
        • Baulini special need school Lusaka (Mrs. Victoria Banda)
      • Meeting with Celia Ferrufino from our project Communidad educativa Tiquipaya 17 and 18-09-24 (Reninka, Luc, Wim)

National meetings:

      • 09-01-24: meeting with our next travelgroup for Zambia and the ones who were there before. (Reninka, Luc, Karen, Hanne, Sarah, Wim)
      • 25-01-24: PXL Hasselt workfield group Art therapy (Luc)
      • 08-02-24: Ergotherapie in het onderwijs :Odisee Brussels (luc- Reninka-Evelien)
      • 21-02-24: Meeting with AWF colleagues Wroclaw Poland + visit to our project Fedasil Machelen. (Reninka, Luc)
      • 05-04-24: General board assembly Ergotherapie Vlaanderen (Luc)
      • 24-05-24: Meeting with international coordinator Teachers education Odisee (Luc)
      • 27-05-24: Meeting with Barkin Köse from Haceteppe university Ankara Turkey (Luc)
      • 23-07-24: meeting with Bieke Verlinden, City counsillor Leuven about care-centers “Zorg Leuven” and TAPAS affairs. (Luc)
      • 17/18-09-2024: visit of our contactperson Celia Ferrufinno from our project in Tiquipaya Cochabamba Bolivia (Reninka, Wim, Luc)
      • 06-11-24: General board assembly Ergotherapie Vlaanderen (Luc)
      • 13-11-24: meeting and visit with new teacher Odisee to our project Fedasil Machelen (Luc)
      • 27-12-24: Interview with students Odisee in the PREP project (Profesional reasoning in non Profit work areas. (Luc)

Guest courses – workshops

      • 16-01-24: OT and Homeless people : Thomas More university of Applied Sciences Geel (Luc)
      • 28-03-24: OT with Asylum seekers : Odisee University of Applied Sciences Brussels (Luc)
      • 29-03-24: OT with Asylum seekers: VIVES Bruges (Luc)
      • 16-04-24: OT with Asylum seekers: KULeuven (Luc)
      • 25-04-24: OT and Occupational Justice: Thomas More university of Applied Sciences Geel (Luc)
      • 29-04-24: Zoom presentation TAPAS ngo Mission, projects. : Uskidar university Istanbul Turkey (Luc)
      • 27-09-24:Workshop for students who will do internship at different Fedasil centers and center for homeless people. (Reninka, Luc)
      • 24-10-24: Workshop for OT students about “OT and refugees” Hogent Gent (Luc)
      • 25-10-24: Presentation and information about our TAPAS projects at Odisee Hogeschool Schaarbeek (Brussels) for 2nd year OT students. (Reninka, Luc )
      • 21-11-24: Lecture at PXL Hasselt : “Occupational Justice and non traditional workfields for OT”


Presentations – Posterpresentations

      • 13-05-24: Presentation of TAPAS projects on the

“Ergotherapy goes international”- fair: Odisee, Terranova Brussels (Luc)

Sponsoring projects:

We were able again to offer some sponsor money thanks also to Primary school “De Twijg” Wijgmaal Belgium to three of our projects; The project in Tiquipaya Bolivia (€1000),  Caleb center for autistic children Kabwe Zambia (€1500), Hope of Glory school Kabwe Zambia (€1200) .

We delivered  the amount for Caleb Center Kabwe Zambia during our visit in April 2024 (Luc, Wim, Sarah)



      • Study visit to Caleb Center Kabwe Zambia ( Luc, Wim, Sarah)
      • During our stay in Zambia we had the opportunity to visit “Nkrumah University dpt. special Education” and “Glory of Hope school” Kabwe.
      • Visit to the future campus of the school Hope of Glory, Kabwe
      • In Lusaka we had the opportunity to visit Bauleni special Needs projects,
      • CFB Medical Centre Lusaka: Guided tour by dr. Reinhilde Lijnen
      • Breaking news: in February 2025 we will have the visit of Nellie Tembo, director of  Caleb Center Kabwe Zambia. We will offer her different inspiring visits to Belgian projects for autism and ASS. Nellie will offer the OT students of Odisee university of applied sciences a presentation about the Caleb center project in Kabwe Zambia.

Annual report 2024

Luc Vercruysse, International coordinator TAPAS ngo