We are still going on

There was a lot TAPAS activity since last message on this blog.
Luc Vercruysse and Reninka Dekoker were organising and giving the 3rd and 4th TAPAS conference in Esteli- Nicaragua.
2 students of HUB did practice at Cristal school in Esteli and 6 HUB students were in Jaszkotle.
On this moment Mieke Lembrechts and the pupils from BUSO Terbank Heverlee (school for special education) are in Jaszkotle for a vocational training. The 2nd and 3rd of june there is a conference in Wroclaw with a presentation of TAPAS collaboration in Jaszkotle. Mieke will do this Job together with Agnieszka P. and her colleagues. We are a real association now with administrative seat in Zaragoza thanks to Cristina de Diego  and Patricia Jovelar.
Next conference will be in Malaga organized by Ana Szot hopefully at the end of this year.
Reninka Dekoker is negociating with UPOLI- and FAREM- university in Esteli Nicatragua about giving post graduate courses on their demand.
As you can see TAPAS is still going on a very good speed.