TAPAS conference

For the second time The TAPAS association (Therapy for All Patients in All Situations)  organises a conference.
Last conference was in november 2008 in Zaragoza (Spain)
TAPAS is an international project of the department  Ergotherapie  HUB-EHSAL Brussel. Now  it is an international associatie of proactieve therapists that focus on patients who for one or another reason have to miss therapy.
TAPAS  organizes and coordinates an organisation of volunteers and OT  or PT students. They are providing therapy on location.  Our webblog: www.tapas.whereareyou.net
We will set the spots on our projects of today. Practical workshops will be given in the afternoonprogramm. In that way we hope to inspire therapists an students to join the TAPAS association, and work together with us.
Dutch spoken presentations will be translated or provided with  handouts in the Englisch language.
Two persons from the organizational border can help to translate the main ideas of the presentations into Spanish.

Luc Vercruysse
International coördinator


2nd TAPAS conference

27 march 2010
HUB-EHSAL Brussel Campus Terranova
Blekerijstraat 1000 Brussel

Organisation TAPAS
(Therapy for All Patients in All Situations) in collaboration with

Opleiding Ergotherapie HUB-EHSAL Brussel

Dhr Jo Praet, director health care dept. HUB-EHSAL
Mevr.Greet Deknop, progrramm coördinator  ergotherapie HUB-EHSAL

9.45u: TAPAS: An interdisciplinary approach in an international context.
Luc Vercruysse, Lector ergotherapie HUB-EHSAL and   international coordinator TAPAS
Cristina de Diego Alonso: OT/PT, TAPAS coördinator Spain.

10.30u: Koffie
11.00u: Jaszkotle – Who we are and what we do.(Polen): Agnieszka Ptak,
11.30u: Centro Juvenil, Los Pipitos-Esteli (Nicaragua): Reninka Dekoker
12.00u: Occupational Therapy in Prisons? It exists!!
Jan Adams en Jerina Vanneste
12.30u Tapas-Lunch prepared by pupils from  the School for Special Education Terbank, Heverlee
13.30u tot 14.30u: Workshopsessie 1

  • Workshop Cristina de Diego Alonso: Communication: more than words.
  • Workshop Reninka Dekoker: Dynamic learning processes in special contexts: Occupational therapy as base . ergotherapie als basis.
  • Workshop Agnieszka Ptak, Ewa Poznar: Stimulation of the development through movement and fun. Interdisciplinarity as  most succesfull approach.
  • Workshop Jan Adams, Jerina Vanneste: Occupational Therapy in Prison: Forensoic OT.
  • Workshop alumni ergotherapie HUB (Kato Defeyter, Ellen Baert, Evi Pacqué , Tina Govaert ): How can I prepare myself  for working in a project or practice period in the south. What does this mean for my vision on OT and on my professional  identity as OT.
  • Workshop Mieke Lembrechts: Vocational training with pupils from a school for  special education in Jaszkotle: More practice opportunities for OT students?

15.00 tot 16.00: Workshopsessie 2

  • Idem workshopsessie 1

16.15u: Plenum and evaluation .

Interested ???

Just contact one of us.

Contactgegevens TAPAS
Luc Vercruysse: luc.vercruysse -at- hubrussel.be
Cristina de Diego Alonso: cristinadediegoalonso -at- gmail.com